Behind the Scenes: Capturing Boingo Graphics with a Drone Fly-Through

Imagine blending the art of drone videography with the dynamic environment of an office space – that's exactly what we did at Boingo Graphics!

When Boingo Graphics approached us with the idea of an office drone fly-through, I knew this was going to be something special. Boingo Graphics is known for their innovative print solutions and creative services, so their office space is as vibrant as the work they produce.

They wanted to capture this essence in a way that felt alive and engaging, and what better way to do that than with a drone?

The Vision

Our goal was to create a seamless, immersive experience that would give viewers a virtual tour of Boingo Graphics' headquarters.

From the moment you enter their doors to the heart of their printing operations, we wanted you to feel like you were gliding through their space in real-time.

This fly-through had to be more than just a video; it needed to tell their story, showcase their culture, and highlight their cutting-edge technology.

The Preparation

Before the drone took flight, there was a lot of planning involved. We worked closely with the team at Boingo Graphics to map out the perfect path. We wanted to capture every angle.

The Final Cut

When we unveiled the final video to the Boingo Graphics team, their reactions were priceless. Seeing their office space and their story captured in such a unique way brought a sense of pride and excitement.

It wasn't just a video; it was a celebration of who they are and what they do.



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